Monday, January 30, 2006


Okay, so at the end of the day, my new blogging career has just begun. Who knows what whacky and outlandish things may be written here. I will have to find out how to take one of those photos of me off the blog. But I am riding the learning curve here, so we shall see. .... I'm learning cool stuff about communication in my classes. Like powerful and powerless speech. Actually, I am not supposed to say " I think.." or "You know" or "Like, yeah" but I do all of that. That must mean I am not powerful! YIKES! Will it be doom for the little Rivers girl? Stay tuned next time for "Rolling Rivers of Doom" or "Yellow River".

Me at home during Christmas break

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Wow, I actually figured out how to delete an extra photo I stuck on here! Woo hoo! I JUST MIGHT be getting this thing figured. (I'm so techie on occasion!)