Trinity Global Development received notice that our application as a 501 (c) 3 organization was approved. Now we are completing the paperwork with Dell to receive matching funds from employee donations. Wow. I'm amazed. What a blessing to our friends in Kakamega! What a blessing to the families out in the bush!
We met with our Minister of International Ministry at Stone. We hope to develop a missional community with those who are already working on the African continent for Jesus. With likemindedness and varieties of ministry, we will prayerfully support one another and network together in the body of Christ. It is an exciting time!
I added a photo of me with Boniface reviewing the recipients of the mosquito nets. He divided the 100 nets purchased by Trinity (with donations! thank you!) between several area leaders so that they went to the pregnant women and nursing mothers with infants first.
Right now we are working towards the computer lab building and equipment. We hope to bring several more computers to the area by December. We'll have a trip in December and bring 1o people. Each of those travelers will use one of their allotted suitcases to carry ministry supplies. We want to get the foundation poured. The Provincial Commissioner of the Western Province spoke with Steve and offered to preside over the ground breaking ceremony and assured him that he will provide security or government clearance as needed. He is equivalent to Rick Perry, but there are only 5 of them and they meet directly with the President of the country regularly.
We want to help the Emusanda Health Centre, but we also know that our friend Jane can re-open her medical clinic in Isongo with a gift of $350. That is as important. Emusanda is a few miles away from Isongo and people have to walk to the clinics, so they serve different clientele. S
We are expanding the school, adding cooks and teachers. We want to sponsor uniforms for the children because all the schools in Kenya require uniforms. The students need two meals a day and school supplies for children like Paul, who is 7 years old attending preschool. Both of his parents were killed in a car accident and his older brother had to drop out of junior high to become the father of his siblings, so Paul did not get to go to school either. Now he is learning English, Swahili, math skills, and even social skills using the national curriculum for Kenya.
God is moving mightily. It is a great time in Kakamega. The country is in a great depression and the few jobs are fleeing away, yet God is graciously providing for our brothers and sisters in Kenya. There is no recession in heaven! God is on His throne reigning over His people. He is bringing prosperity upon His children.