Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Address Change
Our address changes from 1615 to 1713 but everything else stays the same. May God guide every donation!
Monday, November 03, 2014
Trinity Global Development News
Trinity Global Development News
1 Samuel 8:5 "Look", they told him, "You are now old, and your sons are not like you. Give us a king to judge us like all the other nations have." (NLT). Is this email not displaying correctly?
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Samuel was shocked that the Israelites were rejecting the one true king (God) who had proven his trustworthiness to them from time to time and demanding for a human king. And even the reason why they wanted a king was the most discouraging, they wanted to be like all other nations around them. They did not ask Samuel for a solution; they told Samuel what their solution was. It's easy to slip into a quiet rebellion-going about life in our own way. It is true that the people were in dilemma during that time because Samuel was getting older and his children were not credible. But what could have been appropriate response of the people in that situation? The people could have sought an answer from God patiently through prayer.In our efforts to maintain control in our own lives, we often make decisions based upon our own assessment of a situation, rather than rely upon God. And in most cases we give up so quickly on God and pursue our own solutions. We only tend to turn to God only after things get so out of control that there is no place else to turn. The Israelites made a choice to reject God and instead preferred having a human king to solve their problems. God was just enough to grant them their request. But we get to learn what would happen to a society or a family if it separates itself from God's guidance. Often we desire for ourselves that which is not in our best interest, and though it is against God's ultimate will for our lives, God will implement His permissive will that allows us to have our own way. The result is suffering the consequences of our rebellion against God, and through it, God can teach us a lesson. The truth is that we often get into trouble by wanting to be like the world when we should instead be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2). Israel leant a hard lesson later because of this request.Which choices have you made in your life? Have you given up on God just because He is taking too long to answer your prayers? Or are you striving to emulate and compare yourself with the people around you? I pray that you will pursue to be transformed to the image of Christ. The time comes when you have to choose who or what will control you. The choice is yours. Will it be God, your own limited personality, or another imperfect substitute? Once you have chosen to be controlled by God's spirit, reaffirm your choice every day.
Ebola watch
Eight months down the line, the Ebola crisis has gradually graduated to a global concern. With its dense effect felt in the western African countries of Africa, it has been in the rise, breaking the continental borders into the neighboring continents too.
The locally confirmation here is, Ebola is not yet in Kenya and not a single case has been reported. This all the same has not kept the government from crusading a nationwide sensitization of what Ebola is, its symptomatic markers and preventive measures. It has further assured its citizens of its alertness medically to curb Ebola if it is detected in and around the borders of the nation.
High fever, vomiting, bleeding from multiple body openings, loss of appetite for food among others, are a case of focus to watch for of this contagious disease. Although it rapidly executes its victims, it is a proven point that its killing guillotine can be contained and defeated once a healthy individual is sensitized of the symptoms and there after keeps off contact with the Ebola victims.
Nigeria's success in controlling Ebola from its borders should be a motivating spark towards the fight. Located just at the center of this vicious enemy, Nigeria came out a champ, beating this ill-fated demon at its own game and restoring its borders the freedom from Ebola. Therefore, the world as a whole should borrow a leaf from Nigeria's boldness and together join forces to get rid of Ebola perpetually
It is our prayer to God that this deadly killer be contained, most especially in Liberia and other entangled West African nations, to curb its rapid spread to other parts of Africa and the world.
Christmas yet again!
Christmas 2014 is looming and as the Christian family all over the world brace themselves for the birth of Christ, at TGD we are taking a much wiser swing on our gifts!
This Christmas we are investing largely on schooling needs of our sponsored children since that's a sure way of bringing up a self-sustaining adult in the society.
It is all about Jesus, education, relationships and then the nitty-gritties of our lives.
Some of the items in focus are:We therefore welcome you to be part of this breathtaking move of giving towards this Christmas.
- School uniforms(shoes and socks inclusive)
- School bags
- Exam registration fees
- Tuition fees
- Course books and stationery among other items.
God bless you as you give to Him to help a needy child this Christmas!![]()
Cheerful Giving!
Jesus commands us to practice justice, mercy and faithfulness without neglecting to tithe on material blessings (Matt 23:23.) Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations and teach obedience to all His commands. (Matt 28:20.) Therefore, this Christmas, Jack will be encouraging our sponsored children and their guardians on the blessings that come with putting God first in our hearts by obeying Him with our material resources (Malachi 3:10.) Freely we have been given, so freely we give (Matthew 10:7.) And with the measure we use, it will be measured to us (Luke 6:38.) Let all of us obey the Lord in generosity to those who are needy, in addition to tithing to the local church and giving offerings of joy from time to time. Showing God gratitude and trust means giving Him the first portion and trusting Him to make the rest go farther—and He CAN!
His hands
As we jingle our bells into the Christmas spirit, we can't help but acknowledge the joy of our achievements in Jesus Christ this year.
Despite all the challenges and obstacles the evil one keeps erecting in our course, Jesus has kept our anointed hands even more productive in service to Him and mankind at large. In his own words he sent out his disciples saying, "Go ye into all the earth, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…" Mark 16:15-16
Many keep coming to us and exiting better than they came in. For instance, most of our past computer students have landed prestigious jobs in leading firms, all thanks to God and their quality computer skills that rate them way better in contrast to their equals. They keep coming back in testimony and gratitude.
Also, many in the community are so thankful over the well dug and handed to them a few months ago. From their testimonies, they admit the truth that most of their water troubles are dwindled and are so thankful Christ sent us out to touch their lives.
These among so much more wouldn't be a reality without your involvement. His joining you to us has achieved all this glory for Him and thus making Jesus, you and us, the perfect team!
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