Monday, January 20, 2014

Hmmmn....what are some of the things we do?



1.       Children Sponsorship program providing home base care to orphans and vulnerable children. The program provides spiritual, personal, medical and educational needs of the needs as well of providing the family with regular groceries. The children get frequent visits and assemble monthly to bond and play among other fun activities.

2.       Free basic community computer literacy trainings.

3.       Advanced skills training in computer technologies.

4.       Community well at Bumamu village serving several families.

5.       Partnering with churches especially cornerstone church ministry in supplying bibles and bible study kits.

6.       Supporting various needy homes in the community by providing livestock and poultry

7.       Sponsorship to higher education, and skills training such as driving.

8.       Provision of life skills training to the youth and other target groups in areas such as leadership, communication skills, time management etc.

9.       Provision of basic medical equipment to midwives in the village.

10.   Promotion of Christian values through the Christian library containing materials for spiritual growth as a Christian.

11.   Support of widows in the community

12.   Creation of jobs to youths in the community who are currently working with TGD. Others are given short term contracts e.g. during building construction.

13.   Equipping of youths with skills such as photography, video editing, motorbike riding, web design and programming.

14.   Partnership with cornerstone churches to purchase motorcycles and bicycles for staff and church pastors.

15.   Building project that will see the TGD resource Centre complete. It currently houses, staff offices, meeting rooms, library, training rooms and store.

16.   Support to various medical establishments ranging from government facilities such as Iguhu district hospital, community health Centre’s such as Emusanda health clinic such as Dr. Kennedy Siloam Clinic, and village health Centre’s e.g. Rivers clinic run by Pst. Juma.

17.   Provision of uniform, utensils and playing equipment to village schools.

18.   Construction of toilets at cornerstone church in Shibuli used by the school, church and TGD community.

19.   TGD has helped families by boosting existing business through facilitation of funds to expand the business their business.

20.   Promoted and encouraged creation of self-help groups within the TGD community. Guardians to sponsored children have a registered group and the youth & staff are in the process of formalizing their own.

21.   Initiation of micro-loan, lending project to guardians. It started with Mrs. Lumbasi (Evangeline’s guardian) who is trading in the buying and selling of dried fish.

22.   TGD is sponsoring needy bright students in high school education currently there are fifteen.

23.   Educating the community on treating and consuming safe water, following research carried out by Dr. Mickey and Otis Stanley, which showed a lot of the water available in the village is not safe for human consumption.

24.   TGD has initiated an agricultural project by purchasing farm equipment, like water pump, watering cans, hoe, rake, wheelbarrow and spades. It has also purchased seeds like kale which has made the sponsored children to harvest every month at no cost.

25.   During Christmas, the sponsored children and staff have had gifts provided for by TGD organization every year. This include cash bonuses, clothes, animals and gift hampers.

26.   Random acts of love to various needy people in the society e.g. provision of baby diapers, cotton wool, settling hospital bills to those unable to and other basic requirements at Kakamega general hospital.

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