Friday, March 28, 2014




Praise the lord!


Today was a successful day where, inspectors successful arrived in my home with the accompany of Erick and Henry at 8:00am. They took a breakfast and started their operation. They came with a letter which allowed them for inspection.


They started by asking many question:

1) what is my name and carolyn?

2) How many children do i have and their name?

3) How many project i have?

4) How many acres of land to i have?

5) How many rooms a my having?

6) Where do i fetch water?

7) When a you planning to build?

8) What material are having ready in preparatio of building?

9) How many trees do i have?


They asked all this question while making their report. I passed their inspection and they requested me to have the following items that they will come to examine on Monday which are: Bed, Blankets, sheets, Mosquito net, Basin, bucket, Thermol Flask, Saup, Jelly, Special diet, Slippers and Clothing.


They told me that some time to come, i must have a well near my house because he must share water from different places and passing stream.


At lunch time we shared the meal together and they continued with their inspection. They entered into my bedroom for more inspection to know where i sleep and my children. They were comfortable. 


They reported that, Jayden is walking.



They will come on Monday to check on the above mentioned items. I request you  to allow me purchase them. What may be you views Mum.







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