i guess that's right.
i just want to COMMUNICATE! but it is true that you have to consider the audience.
okay, okay.
so I'm blogging to get out my "personal message" style.
I just like to talk!
and at least when I'm on here, I know I'm not interrupting anyone. No one has to listen here. It is all by choice.
alright, so anyway (conversation style here) .....this is a picture of Emily, our preschool teacher. It was Emily's initial vision that got the school started. Bishop Titus (they call him Bishop since he is a head pastor over several pastors) sponsors the school. He provides the school room. Through Trinity Global Development donations, we purchased 100 preschool sized chairs and made 6 tables and three cabinets.
We still need school improvements. The roof was repaired somewhat, although more needs to be done. The partitions are next but when baby T. J. died, the efforts at improvements went on hold. They'll begin soon.
Today is my 26th anniversary! I want a big party. Last year we had to skip party preparations because Steve's father was dying of cancer. He found out in September 2007 and began treatment. But by January 2008, it was evident that the cancer was spreading. He continued treatment but it was not successful. Steve spent most of the Spring trying to drive back and forth to see his father. He was able to spend some time caring for him. All of the siblings were involved. It was not a time for parties. His father passed onto Jesus on May 14th and so on our anniversary, we went to Florida and took little Penelope, but it was a dismal trip. Steve was dealing with plenty of emotion.
So this year, our anniversary is here, but maybe God planned it so that I could make it a fund raising party instead. I should say, maybe I want to have a fundraiser for my anniversary. I'd love to have a big dinner and encourage people to give. So instead of calling it my anniversary party and then tackily asking for donations, I'll make it plain that for my anniversary, Steve is letting me have a fundraising dinner.
I want to bless our brothers and sisters in Kenya---AND increase the Kingdom of God by lifting up Jesus and bringing in the sheaves! I enjoyed getting to know so many people and there are just people you connect with--that you want to bless--that you want to stay in contact with---get to know more and more over time.
we want long term relationships there. we want to establish a work of God and friendships that last. we have Kenyan family now. It is good.
and I'm sure there will be struggles and there will be a honeymoon period and there will be disappointments---but may it be like a strong marriage---built on commitment! even through the pain. even through disappointments because that is when the joy shines through. How thankful I am that I've stayed with Steve. How many times I was ready to quit and God persuaded me or blocked me. and now I bear the fruit of love, joy and peace! what a friend I have in steve. sometimes I want no other (of course, there are other times when he drives me crazy, but it is often just our personalities in conflict.)
i need to buy a book on Amazon. a book about doing community development rather than giving aid to the poor. help them help themselves. the give a man a fish vs. fisherman thing.
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