Oh God is good. and I am so happy. God is good when I'm unhappy. He satisfies me when life is so painful. but I'm rejoicing today. I'm thankful for what God can do with willing hands. and I pray He enlarge our tents and stretch out our stakes. But let His Kingdom come.
It was so good today to go to Mister's work. it was so good! It was good to get the proceeds from the party. I was so thankful. I know our Kenyan friends are so thankful. Oh to help others who cannot help you back. it is so rewarding. Such the God-life. All that He does for us and what can we do for Him? NOTHING! He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and the heart of the King. He has no need of the blood of goats or cows or anything we could imagine doing for Him. He is sufficient in all things. He created everything! How magnificent.
So much is happening and I forget to blog anything. Thanks to my friend who says, "Hey! why isn't your trinity link on your blog?" well, I don't know. accident. dumb? but okay, i'll fix that. i need to make it a link on here and I'll do that soon.
for now. I'm just awed by God. How He works powerfully in one arena and then in some other arena, it might feel like, "Hello, God? Are you noticing this thingy over here?" and so we are so fickle. As if He should just hop to it when we have a perceived problem.
I'm just so thankful right now. So thankful.
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