Sunday, April 22, 2012


I'm in Hyderabad India typing on a little mini keyboard.I praise God for technology but this is hard. I hope I can get connected with some orphanages here. Steve will be working here and we may come for a month in the summer. I don't know if God will make a way here, but He called me to China and India when I was 22. I've only been to those countries as a tourist--just like today. Plus, I never want to divert funds from my Kenyan family yet I know God called me so I remain available. Jianwen just moved from Austin to Long Island and we are planning a China trip in August. When I married a grocery store bag boy, I never dreamed we would really travel the world. But here I am! Thank you for the airplane prayers. I was delirious and getting a migraine when we landed in London, but I got a massage of my neck and head. I slept on some chairs for more than an hour. The next flight was fine and I slept a lot. I also read through a great book: Year of Living Biblically. It was great fun. He is an unbeliever but it was good to laugh about how strange some things in the Bible appear. off to breakfast. I'm staying at the Taj Krishna. is that allowed? blessings out to everyone. Remain in Him.

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