He promises He will never leave us or forsake us. He promises that His Grace is sufficient. He promises that He daily bears our burdens. He promises us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light (so we must be carrying burdens that He did not put on us!) A bruised reed He does not break and a smoldering wick He does not snuff out. He promises He is coming again!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Angel Tree
As I prepare for Angel Tree at Christa's, I am so blessed that we have so many children sponsored. Many people have lost their jobs in this economy or struggled financially, but God raises up others to take their place. Thanks to General Donors Kevin, Lorrie, Christa, and Liz, I am able to cover children and keep them in the program with an extra 50 or 100 that is dependable each month.
Anita and Christa really partner together with me and the Lord in our work for this beloved community. It is so FUN to work for their benefit! Thank you, sponsors, for your generosity and love in the Lord. What good you are doing. It is money but it changes so much. I am frustrated when I hear some people use the worst excuses for not giving. Definitely, some people think throwing money at a problem won't solve it. Must we SOLVE problems like poverty and sickness? How about just alleviating them for needy people???????
I thank God that Christa doesn't feel like that and her church is offering her this opportunity to present our children. Some of our children are already really blessed, like Emily who received $85 worth of stuff from her sponsor for gifts, so does she NEED more Christmas?? Well......do you? And yet God gives our children 10,000x more than they need and so who am I to hold back on Emily? I am keeping her in the Angel Tree! (Yet we will put a star by the several who have no extra gift yet.)God is going to send her an abundance and let her house feel like GOD HAS COME! as they see a tangible evidence that some stranger from across the world PICKED HER to give and bless. BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL!
SO WE ARE REJOICING AT GENEROSITY!! Clearly GOD is moving among us. His Love is moving among us. Yes, I am preaching to the choir. My readers are loving and giving and changing the world. They are working for others from God's heart within. You, my friend, have done marvelous things through the Holy Spirit.
We have 38 children blessed! We have 16 employees working and blessing their community! We have well over 100 computer students gaining knowlege and some even gaining jobs or prepared for college! We have sick children who received medical care. We have pastors getting bikes, village children eating, toys and clothes for Christmas, school fees paid, families rejoicing together, a loving community family, a light on a hill. Jesus is lifted up! God is glorified in our love for one another! We have brought HOPE to desperate situations by the power of the Holy Spirit!
And Jesus is our reward.
It is HE who did all our good through us.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Three children sponsored!!
Praise God! He has sent three new sponsors for our precious children.
Brian: Olive Plhak
Emmanuel: Liz Jensen
Everline: Janice Horrell
It is a great day to give Thanks to our God!
And our website is up! Thanks to Stephen and Kevin Rivers!
Brian: Olive Plhak
Emmanuel: Liz Jensen
Everline: Janice Horrell
It is a great day to give Thanks to our God!
And our website is up! Thanks to Stephen and Kevin Rivers!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
THREE children need sponsors
Children got coats--yay!
Children got new coats during a cold rainy season!
The children gather each month for a day and are forming strong bonds with one another. Grace, Mary and Valery.
Fredrick, Brian, and Walter--Walter is smiling!
Monday, November 19, 2012
I pray you are kidding about yoga.
(facebook message written to friend)
Perhaps you are blinded by your culture into going the way of the world and practicing other religions. I pray God open your eyes! Why not stretch apart from yoga? Those are prayer poses. Read chapters 1,2 and 3 of Revelations.
Devote yourself to the one God Jesus and stand firm against false doctrine and alternate religious practices. Enjoy Indian people (Chinese people, Kenyan people, Musicians, Gay people, construction workers...) but not foreign gods. Do not speak of karma....
While consequences of actions are biblical... Reaping what you sow.... Jesus says you do not get what you deserve, which is hell. Repentance and faith in Jesus brings a reward you could never earn by good actions and its from God's divine favor. Things like horoscopes, fortune cookies, eight ball, good luck, ying yang, masonry, chanting, etc are open doors to demonic and feed your flesh and destroy your spirit.
That is basic Christianity-- to avoid other religions or gods or idols-- yet America is adopting yoga with embrace. I adore and worship Jesus and it is my joy to abstain from many things as His Bride. I am worldly enough and sinful enough as it is-- why look to other religions or cultures and dabble there? No, I lay my life down and serve other people ..... Like tax collectors n prostitutes.... But I do not adopt their ways in order to gain their trust.
(Oh, I am so frustrated that Christians defend their practices by saying they do this, that, or the other in order to be evangelical. Do you get fruit from that? People who whole-heartedly leave their way of life, repent and serve Jesus alone as a result of your worldly communion with them?)
If you are using yoga as a quiet time for prayer already, I beg you to repent. Would you bring another man into your wife? Be faithful. Have nothing to do with yoga. You knew how to stretch or relax before you ever heard of yoga-- but if you cling to it--- realize you want "health" "relaxation" or even "prayer" more than Jesus. Please don't insist on your rights or your freedom. Die daily and let Jesus live through you and gain real life.
I am so troubled and grieved that sooooo many Christians do yoga and brag of it and think they are good because the world approves! Just depends on whose approval you prefer. I get no approval when I rebuke my brothers n sisters (How many Christians will defend their practices as just "exercise?") I would rather be anxious, prayerless and diseased than look to another religion to meet with Jesus or to get fit. Health is an American idol (Along with greed, materialism, media, prosperity and medical treatment.)
Let me remind you--- every single person will die. If u bought yourself 20 extra years (I am referring to exercising by doing yoga in order to be fit and healthy and productive or whatever the excuse might be....meet people?) --what difference is that to eternity? Use your time for Him, not to just improve yourself although I am not in any way speaking against healthy lifestyle or good God-given physical activity. But do you do these improve to your heavenly treasure? Or are you just investing in your flesh? Your self life?
Consider how much time and money you spend to be healthy.
I personally spend a lot of time and money on supplements, doc visits, exercise equip, etc so i might be in the wrong, too, by going overboard. I am not just pointing the finger at you here---the finger is pointed at yoga and any other idolatry or sin. LET US NEVER DEFEND SIN! I don't want to be foolish and become a burden unnecessarily but even that could be pride. God sees nothing wrong with a life of handicapped dependency but I abhor that! So I am working by faith to not abuse myself foolishly due to my bad appetites but trying not to make life (or great food) be my goal. I am ready to die for Jesus at anytime, I pray. But I would rather die giving my life time money and health to the mission field and Gods Kingdom.
So ....
I beg you to abstain from yoga unless according to Romans 14--- you are SURE that you only do this by faith in Jesus and in faith you are pleasing Him.
Or it is sin.
And what would be the rationale for just going shead and doing something you CAN stop??
Unlike those sins we fall in so quickly like anger or fear or pride or unbelief. Those take consecration and spiritual discipline and learning to follow after the Spirit instead of the flesh. We are justified at salvation but sanctification is lifelong. So avoid all actions which are voluntary and grow in virtues until they come supernaturally.
Maybe I should link to someone else's explanation, although I believe that practicing yoga is unbiblical because I read the Bible.
so I cannot think of where it is in the Bible except that here is a reference to
"avoiding stepping on the threshold"
1 Sam 5:5.
In some other verse somewhere, God is angry with people who do things like adopting certain clothing of other cultures (perhaps like wearing ying yang symbols) and against people jumping over the threshold. That might also be like not crossing the path of a black cat or not opening an umbrella inside. I don't know. I don't worry myself over it because I definitely attempt to locate and stop all superstitious activities in my heart and mind and especially in my physical actions, where it is easier to catch and realize by the Holy Spirit what you have just done.
Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ.
Colossians is a really good book to focus on JESUS as Center and ONLY.
2 Corinthians 10
5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Please worship Jesus and Jesus alone--make every effort to make your obedience complete!
Not because of the law, but because the Spirit is alive in you!
If you are dead, then Christ reigns in you. You have no business with the things of the world. Jesus is faithful to teach you these things, if you desire Him above all else. It means you will go without so much but you will never FEEL that you are going without when you are looking at Jesus and gaining Christ! SO MUCH MORE TREASURE THAN THIS WORLD HAS TO OFFER!
and everything you desire is in Him and available to you.
we have everything we need for life and godliness.
(facebook message written to friend)
Perhaps you are blinded by your culture into going the way of the world and practicing other religions. I pray God open your eyes! Why not stretch apart from yoga? Those are prayer poses. Read chapters 1,2 and 3 of Revelations.
Devote yourself to the one God Jesus and stand firm against false doctrine and alternate religious practices. Enjoy Indian people (Chinese people, Kenyan people, Musicians, Gay people, construction workers...) but not foreign gods. Do not speak of karma....
While consequences of actions are biblical... Reaping what you sow.... Jesus says you do not get what you deserve, which is hell. Repentance and faith in Jesus brings a reward you could never earn by good actions and its from God's divine favor. Things like horoscopes, fortune cookies, eight ball, good luck, ying yang, masonry, chanting, etc are open doors to demonic and feed your flesh and destroy your spirit.
That is basic Christianity-- to avoid other religions or gods or idols-- yet America is adopting yoga with embrace. I adore and worship Jesus and it is my joy to abstain from many things as His Bride. I am worldly enough and sinful enough as it is-- why look to other religions or cultures and dabble there? No, I lay my life down and serve other people ..... Like tax collectors n prostitutes.... But I do not adopt their ways in order to gain their trust.
(Oh, I am so frustrated that Christians defend their practices by saying they do this, that, or the other in order to be evangelical. Do you get fruit from that? People who whole-heartedly leave their way of life, repent and serve Jesus alone as a result of your worldly communion with them?)
If you are using yoga as a quiet time for prayer already, I beg you to repent. Would you bring another man into your wife? Be faithful. Have nothing to do with yoga. You knew how to stretch or relax before you ever heard of yoga-- but if you cling to it--- realize you want "health" "relaxation" or even "prayer" more than Jesus. Please don't insist on your rights or your freedom. Die daily and let Jesus live through you and gain real life.
I am so troubled and grieved that sooooo many Christians do yoga and brag of it and think they are good because the world approves! Just depends on whose approval you prefer. I get no approval when I rebuke my brothers n sisters (How many Christians will defend their practices as just "exercise?") I would rather be anxious, prayerless and diseased than look to another religion to meet with Jesus or to get fit. Health is an American idol (Along with greed, materialism, media, prosperity and medical treatment.)
Let me remind you--- every single person will die. If u bought yourself 20 extra years (I am referring to exercising by doing yoga in order to be fit and healthy and productive or whatever the excuse might be....meet people?) --what difference is that to eternity? Use your time for Him, not to just improve yourself although I am not in any way speaking against healthy lifestyle or good God-given physical activity. But do you do these improve to your heavenly treasure? Or are you just investing in your flesh? Your self life?
Consider how much time and money you spend to be healthy.
I personally spend a lot of time and money on supplements, doc visits, exercise equip, etc so i might be in the wrong, too, by going overboard. I am not just pointing the finger at you here---the finger is pointed at yoga and any other idolatry or sin. LET US NEVER DEFEND SIN! I don't want to be foolish and become a burden unnecessarily but even that could be pride. God sees nothing wrong with a life of handicapped dependency but I abhor that! So I am working by faith to not abuse myself foolishly due to my bad appetites but trying not to make life (or great food) be my goal. I am ready to die for Jesus at anytime, I pray. But I would rather die giving my life time money and health to the mission field and Gods Kingdom.
So ....
I beg you to abstain from yoga unless according to Romans 14--- you are SURE that you only do this by faith in Jesus and in faith you are pleasing Him.
Or it is sin.
And what would be the rationale for just going shead and doing something you CAN stop??
Unlike those sins we fall in so quickly like anger or fear or pride or unbelief. Those take consecration and spiritual discipline and learning to follow after the Spirit instead of the flesh. We are justified at salvation but sanctification is lifelong. So avoid all actions which are voluntary and grow in virtues until they come supernaturally.
Maybe I should link to someone else's explanation, although I believe that practicing yoga is unbiblical because I read the Bible.
so I cannot think of where it is in the Bible except that here is a reference to
"avoiding stepping on the threshold"
1 Sam 5:5.
In some other verse somewhere, God is angry with people who do things like adopting certain clothing of other cultures (perhaps like wearing ying yang symbols) and against people jumping over the threshold. That might also be like not crossing the path of a black cat or not opening an umbrella inside. I don't know. I don't worry myself over it because I definitely attempt to locate and stop all superstitious activities in my heart and mind and especially in my physical actions, where it is easier to catch and realize by the Holy Spirit what you have just done.
Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ.
Colossians is a really good book to focus on JESUS as Center and ONLY.
2 Corinthians 10
5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Please worship Jesus and Jesus alone--make every effort to make your obedience complete!
Not because of the law, but because the Spirit is alive in you!
If you are dead, then Christ reigns in you. You have no business with the things of the world. Jesus is faithful to teach you these things, if you desire Him above all else. It means you will go without so much but you will never FEEL that you are going without when you are looking at Jesus and gaining Christ! SO MUCH MORE TREASURE THAN THIS WORLD HAS TO OFFER!
and everything you desire is in Him and available to you.
we have everything we need for life and godliness.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Below is a letter from a current student addressed to the sponsorship team pertaining her computer studies. She helps her husband to run a very big church at Center (a nearby township.)"Praises to the Lord.My names are Anne Omemba a born again Christian aged thirty eight (38) years. I am married to a pastor and together we are blessed with five children. Currently I am undertaking computer studies at Trinity Global Development (TGD) an organization that indeed creates a better tomorrow. Knowledge being power, I laid aside my challenges as a mother and a minister of the word God. My husband who pastors a church with more than 300 members has to take care of my last born child who is about a year old as I go for my lessons that begins at 9 am. He has to do this because we doesn't have a house girl to take care of the situation. What I believe is that God has a purpose for giving me this chance.When I saw the advert about free computer training I saw it as a golden opportunity that I couldn't let it go. It's a long distance from school to where I stay but I have to make sure that am overcoming the fear of distance and walk to and fro when I doesn't have enough money to carter for my fare. My target is to gain skills and experience that will enable me to support my family in bread winning. My encouragement is that if we can help support this vision that TGD has begun in this society, people of different calibers shall grow in all dimensions."
Monday, November 05, 2012
Friday, November 02, 2012
blessed again
I now have internet access. This blows my mind.
I think I am reeling from too much adventure.
Flight 3506 out of LaGuardia was available this morning at 6am, but with gas shortages and flooding in the area, I made the collective decision with my father to remain home on Long Island rather than sing Happy 80th Birthday today in Port Townsend, WA.
Sarah's boyfriend lost everything. The flood waters rose chest level into his house in Copiague, west of us. She has had to work the last two days but has still been going over trying to clean the place out.
My friends (Jianwen, Olive, and Candy) are still without power. The gas lines are horrible.
Before the storm, I loaded the Hurricane App from the Red Cross which tells you what to do before, during and after a hurricane. Like....put an ax in your attic in case you need to bust through the roof for rescue. Fill your tank with gas because when the power goes out, the gas cannot be pumped. Go to the ATM and get plenty of cash because the ATM won't work either and you will have to purchase everything with cash.
We also loaded up with water, flashlights and batteries, non-perishable foods.
You cannot imagine how much you want to eat when you wait for a hurricane! and then during a hurricane. and then after a hurricane. The anxiety as you monitor the situation and WAIT WAIT WAIT make you want to eat, eat, eat. I REALLY slept deeply the night of the hurricane because I had been furiously preparing all through the day even as we were moving our stuff from one house to the next.
Thanks to Jianwen and Jun for coming over and helping me get all those lawn chairs laid against the fence at BOTH houses. Plus helping pack the kitchen. Ben was a super hero keeping up with Steve ALL DAY LONG moving gigantic heavy furniture. DOWN the stairs, into the truck, around the corner and back UPSTAIRS again. ugh! over and over and over and over and over.
prayers for the families must continue. I feel so traumatized today, as it all sinks in. You really have to just put one foot in front of the other and keep working! But for me, the luxury of a rest day. I already went back to bed for an extra snooze. There is so much unpacking to do here, but how blessed I am that my pets are here in the warmed house and my daughter is able to drive to work and my husband, too. Even that the work places are up and available helps keep life on a normal pattern that many cannot experience. Schools are closed and parents aren't able to work even if their office is open.
we are SO thankful for all the electric people, grocery stores, tree people and helpers who are working through this terrible storm. So many people got their streets cleaned up relatively quickly out here where the damage was mainly trees. I got my electricity back on within 24 hours.
Even with nearly perfect conditions for us, it was still disturbing.....so each day more prayer to our God who is with us always to strengthen and save those who are hurting and suffering. May His Love be manifest to all the poor and powerless, all the lost and lonely. I'm singing a song of hallelujah in the hope of the better day when the saints stand before the Throne of God. May many bow their knees now and find gratitude for the Great Creator God who made them and who gives them steadfast love and endurance. Mercy for all the sweet and innocent animals who are displaced and may every one of compromised mental states (I think of the story of the husband who could not move his wife because she has alzheimer's) be transported emotionally into the spirit realm where angels attend them.
I know these things may seem weird but the far reaching effects on EACH individual here is like a spider web of interconnectness. We feel the enormity of it all and I pray we value each life. May New Yorkers and those in New Jersey grow in patience and respect for one another in Jesus name.
I think I am reeling from too much adventure.
Flight 3506 out of LaGuardia was available this morning at 6am, but with gas shortages and flooding in the area, I made the collective decision with my father to remain home on Long Island rather than sing Happy 80th Birthday today in Port Townsend, WA.
Sarah's boyfriend lost everything. The flood waters rose chest level into his house in Copiague, west of us. She has had to work the last two days but has still been going over trying to clean the place out.
My friends (Jianwen, Olive, and Candy) are still without power. The gas lines are horrible.
Before the storm, I loaded the Hurricane App from the Red Cross which tells you what to do before, during and after a hurricane. Like....put an ax in your attic in case you need to bust through the roof for rescue. Fill your tank with gas because when the power goes out, the gas cannot be pumped. Go to the ATM and get plenty of cash because the ATM won't work either and you will have to purchase everything with cash.
We also loaded up with water, flashlights and batteries, non-perishable foods.
You cannot imagine how much you want to eat when you wait for a hurricane! and then during a hurricane. and then after a hurricane. The anxiety as you monitor the situation and WAIT WAIT WAIT make you want to eat, eat, eat. I REALLY slept deeply the night of the hurricane because I had been furiously preparing all through the day even as we were moving our stuff from one house to the next.
Thanks to Jianwen and Jun for coming over and helping me get all those lawn chairs laid against the fence at BOTH houses. Plus helping pack the kitchen. Ben was a super hero keeping up with Steve ALL DAY LONG moving gigantic heavy furniture. DOWN the stairs, into the truck, around the corner and back UPSTAIRS again. ugh! over and over and over and over and over.
prayers for the families must continue. I feel so traumatized today, as it all sinks in. You really have to just put one foot in front of the other and keep working! But for me, the luxury of a rest day. I already went back to bed for an extra snooze. There is so much unpacking to do here, but how blessed I am that my pets are here in the warmed house and my daughter is able to drive to work and my husband, too. Even that the work places are up and available helps keep life on a normal pattern that many cannot experience. Schools are closed and parents aren't able to work even if their office is open.
we are SO thankful for all the electric people, grocery stores, tree people and helpers who are working through this terrible storm. So many people got their streets cleaned up relatively quickly out here where the damage was mainly trees. I got my electricity back on within 24 hours.
Even with nearly perfect conditions for us, it was still disturbing.....so each day more prayer to our God who is with us always to strengthen and save those who are hurting and suffering. May His Love be manifest to all the poor and powerless, all the lost and lonely. I'm singing a song of hallelujah in the hope of the better day when the saints stand before the Throne of God. May many bow their knees now and find gratitude for the Great Creator God who made them and who gives them steadfast love and endurance. Mercy for all the sweet and innocent animals who are displaced and may every one of compromised mental states (I think of the story of the husband who could not move his wife because she has alzheimer's) be transported emotionally into the spirit realm where angels attend them.
I know these things may seem weird but the far reaching effects on EACH individual here is like a spider web of interconnectness. We feel the enormity of it all and I pray we value each life. May New Yorkers and those in New Jersey grow in patience and respect for one another in Jesus name.
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