An email came in and I read through it to find that Trophosa was in labor!
It said this:
I called Frank right away--which I rarely do because of cost. Obviously, I authorized him to pay for anything but not to let them know she had an American paying or the prices get exorbitant. I was anxious. I tried praying but it was that terrible kind where you are all keyed up and your shoulders are up to your neck and you are breathless. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. God will do what He will do--and I will ask Him for a natural birth and a healthy mommy and baby. Some mothers in Africa will be in labor so long and their internal tissues will die. (See A Walk to Beautiful, on youtube and netflix.)
I was trying to prepare for a retreat--but now more preparations were in order. I emailed, texted, facebooked and called some prayer warriors getting her coverage in line same as I would if my daughters were in labor. And the conditions in Kenya mean she needs far more intervention on the God side than just your average birthing mother in the world. But this is a precarious time for all women and newborns. So I was praying, but I was also very tense. Sure, I'd like to be someone who just says a prayer and rests in God's loving hands. That's not me. I am an intercessor and I beseech God and beg Him and tell Him His promises and I back down the devil with spiritual weapons of faith and love and ---well, I often TRY to back demons down with Peace, but peace is just a tad more elusive to me. I have that deep CENTRAL peace--my eternal destiny is with my Beloved Lord Jesus who cares for everyone far more than I do so I can trust Him in this life but I am looking for that next one when all perfection I long for becomes reality in Him and His Presence.
so I was anxious. Titus has lost two children. Frank lost his sweet newborn. Walter's wife had surgery that left her clinging to life and barely coming through. I know statistics. Terrible statistics. And there she is --out of my reach. I can do nothing but wait.
and my life is such a WAIT right now. Waiting on processes. Waiting for my house to be sold. The sale fell through for now. My buyer is waiting on his buyer who backed out--so my buyer backed out. It is New York. Nothing seems straight forward there. Twists, turns, plots and sub-plots. We will come through by God's deep love and grace. I am not afraid. But I wait.
and I don't know where I will ultimately year. But really, do we ever know the future? Nope.
So I threw things in my suitcase, thankful I do this 1000 times and don't have to think about much except the clothes--which is the hardest part anyway. It is a retreat. Comfy? It is a bunch of women. Bring jewelry and heels? I opt for comfy--super comfy. My typical airline clothing: stretch black pants, black and white top, some kind of sweater or jacket. I am without perfect comfy black walking shoes, so I go with tennis shoes. I bring TGD books along because I mean to make a wire to Frank with funds. That never happens.
So i get along in the drive--super glad I drove myself. I am kind of a basket case. Singing to Jesus alternately doing spiritual warfare. Following behind Camilla as we drive to nearby Salado. The UT game was going to be in Dallas, so traffic was ferocious. A lighted sign warning that the next 11 miles would take 37 minutes. We inch along and I am singing, focused on Jesus. My God can see her through. Jesus is PRESENT with me and Trophosa. Frank is there. Christabel is there. I feel so good about this. Frank is texting me. I am driving and texting (oh be quiet--i didn't kill anyone--it was a life and death situation there!)
Rev. Gary Carnie called me. He is a prayer warrior that God has raised up for Trophosa. It is crazy and amazing and beautiful. Is it a calling on the child? A calling on Trophosa? Great things have happened. I get to see twists and turns of events that scream GOD IS HERE!
He has her picture printed out in a daily prayer book and I update him. Drive. Drive. Drive. Sing. Pray. Drive. I review the story.
Her baby was due on September 30 but our team could not get the funds and the items purchased and get out to see her until October 9. I was so thankful the baby had not come before we had time to send her supplies.
I get the email from Christabel on Friday at noon. I post to Facebook by 12:20 after calling Frank. Saints begin to pray immediately. I text and call for prayer, gathering momentum. At 1:14pm, Frank texts me that she made progress--to keep praying! SHE HAD BEEN IN LABOR FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AT THAT POINT.
Glory to God that He wills this prayer through His Saints. Two hours after that, she is in the labor room and the team has purchased her cotton wool (gauze) which is in continual short supply at this very main hospital. They use any item available there to clean the birthing mother's bottoms, including the waxy sharp paper that is wrapped around sterile gloves. Packaging! They use packaging!
I told Frank to get MORE cotton wool and pass it out to those mothers. Can you imagine? These poor mothers suffering! And he is right there and I am so thankful to do something for the sweet birthing mothers always on my heart. And I am so thankful to Frank. I am so thankful to God. So thankful to donors. I am loving the whole world.
and then it is 3:30 and Trophosa has given birth to a baby boy! wooooooo!
The baby breathed and sucked and cried! RELIEF JOY CRYING! Wow! This isn't even my baby! I was so overwhelmed. We take a hairpin turn back on a country road and I am crying and trying to pull myself together. We are almost at the retreat. I have just had a baby boy! I have called to him in the spirit to bless him and comfort him. I know the Lord is there with Him. I am really happy. The fight isn't over, but the baby has made it through!
and so she is bleeding. He had some asphyxiation. (however you spell it) and they take him to the nursery.
Frank reports to me that there are abandoned babies there. Can he buy them some diapers. OH. oh. oh my goodness. Abandoned babies. When I was there, the babies were dead. Four babies wrapped like mummies laid in the other room--a storage room. Now there is excess little children whose mothers have left them. What will happen to them? What should I do? We aren't prepared to do anything. I can't just go swoop them up. I have no homes. We have one home ready for Jayden while he languishes in the government home as a PIECE OF EVIDENCE in the trial against his father.
and now? these babies? What do I do?
I am here. They are there. You have to live there six months to bring one home. How could we start an orphanage? it is very complicated. The government would be all up in my face. I have no idea.
I authorize Frank to do all he can. He is welcome to serve the needs of those around him. I tell him to look with God's eyes and give generously. He assures me he will do what he can to make the stay of those around him more comfortable. Frank is very compassionate and I know he will enjoy providing for the needy ones there. It is so fulfilling for me because I longed to open a hospital. THEY NEED MEDICAL SUPPLIES SO DESPERATELY! On one hand, they do have plenty of resources available like mosquito nets, HIV medications, there is malaria meds and typhoid meds. There is deworming meds and fungal meds. But they don't even have bandages to cover wounds. They don't have enough antiseptic. The don't have enough antibacterial. They don't have enough antibiotics.
oh but the greedy Americans dare to say things like, "Well, you know overuse of antibiotics has led to the trouble we are in." YOU still will use antibiotics but would like to keep the poor people with raging infections so you don't have to fear super infections. WHAT?!? Sometimes I seriously hate all of us Americans. We are sick, sick people. Greedy fat and selfish-comfort oriented. All about finding ourselves, being ourselves, giving ourselves and self-esteem. This is me, too, people. No condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. You better be thankful for Christ. In fact, His love is so big and forgiveness so big that He blots out your unthankfulness. But if you love Him, take care of people who need some help. Particularly those who can do nothing for themselves.
That young girl in the hospital (Thank you to Frank for inquiring after her, Lisa Wallace for paying her bill, Christa Horst for supplying her) may have been molested. She may now be discarded and abandoned. She has a baby. She may have wanted an abortion, for which she would be despised (I am in no way whatsoever saying killing your baby is okay--only that Jesus knows why people lie, cheat and steal and murder and he loves people who do all those evil things because He paid for their sins already that they could be reconciled to God) but she could not afford that anyway. She now has a baby. Will she abandon the baby? She could have left that baby at the hospital as some mothers clearly did this week. Maybe she just doesn't have anywhere to go to.
Of course, she could be an absolute ruthless ho--who slept with anyone she wanted because she doesn't even care about the boys she went after. Maybe she is cold hearted and rebellious to good loving parents--just bad seed. BUT PROBABLY NOT and we do not know what she has encountered in her life.
So Jesus looked at the woman at the well. He was LOVING! He told her He was the Messiah. Jesus released the adulterous woman without one stone thrown. Who is this guy? YOUR GOD.
and I want to be like Him. And I am thankful for mommies and babies staying together. I hate abortion and adoption because I desire intact beautiful pure families with a devoted mother and father! But we don't have that, do we? So we are going to love through these messes. We are going to live real life with Pharisees and tax collectors and Peters and Mary Magdalenes and all the angels and demons operating with and against us invisibly. We are going to have GOD EXALTED and HIS KINGDOM COME when we love and give and serve and die.
So this was a beautiful weekend when we destroyed the power of the enemy and exalted Jesus and came loving with open arms and open hands giving and accepting and chosing. Take that, satan. We have stormed your gates and we will come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves! May the Lord Jesus be worshiped for He is bringing many sons to glory! He is worthy to open the seal. He has purchased WITH HIS BLOOD people from every tribe and language and people and nation.
Frank will go around and send mothers home with some food, some supplies. He will offer the birthing mothers some gauze. He will ask women their name, get their story, and they will feel God has come in their time of need. They will give glory to God. It is a beautiful day. It is a GOD DAY.
I am very happy, very fulfilled. When people ask me, "What do you do in Africa?" I never know what to say exactly. I am the worst representative. I just want to say, "OH WOW. Great things. It is so wonderful. It is so awesome." and I just praise God. But I really do need to be able to communicate our vision and what God is doing. But let the Holy Spirit describe because I don't even know. We have fun. We love others. We try to be our best. We try to do good things that please the Lord. We try to exalt His name and come in His name and announce that He is doing these things.
We just work together in unity for a community that God chooses to bless. I am not good with the jargon of todays non-profit world or the church jargon, but we bring hope. Hope does not disappoint. God put it in our hearts. We bring God's light and hope is birthed and expanded. We point to Jesus and we thank others for joining us, we hold hands and we rejoice! We get so excited! We just enjoy giving! We enjoy blessing! We tolerate the work and the problems and the challenges and just do what we can do.
I am trying to make a brochure. And I never know what we should say.
But I love Jesus. I know this glorifies Jesus. I know He is behind most of it and I know one day the flesh that I add to this work will be burned up! But I will never be burned up nor any of His Sons and Daughters! So I work in freedom and laughter and pleasure and I discipline myself for all the parts where I whine and kick and have to be orderly. God is good, all the time, in all way. He knows my way and He knows your way and He prospers ALL OF US for our eternal good and I pray He prospers my sweet little Kenyan mommy sisters and their babies, in Jesus name.
It said this:
Truphosa was taken to the health Centre yesterday after she began
feeling abdominal pains. She spent their night there and today the doctor
examined her and found out that she had complications. The baby seems to be too
big for normal delivery.
She was then transferred to Kakamega General Hospital where is
now admitted at the maternity ward. She is supposed to undergo a caesarian
operation but then the mother doesn’t have any funds at the moment for the
operation. According to the doctor concerned, the operation cannot be carried
out before payments.
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