Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Well for Jayden

Please pray for the Lord to help us reach water on our third well! We are at more than 55 feet and there was supposed to be water there by now, according to the engineers. We want Jayden’s family to have the utmost ease in gathering life giving water daily. All area families must draw their daily water for washing, cooking, bathing, gardening and their livestock. Can you imagine? NO! We truly cannot. We can picture in our minds maybe one trip to a well, but consider if you had to walk a mile for 5 gallons when you needed 10 for that day. And then next day you will need it again. And the next day you will need it again. And the next day you will need it again. How much time does it take daily and how do you feel each day when you get up? Is every day a good day to walk four miles with two of them loaded down with water? Now consider months, years, decades. Give God thanks that you have a faucet in your house! And most of us do not have to treat that water for our variety of uses. Maybe we purify some for our drinking, but otherwise, no. Pray that this well brings life giving water! Lord, we thank You for this wonderful gift of a well. Thank you for helping us reach the water, in Jesus name.

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