God is good. He so encourages me. Even when He doesn't seem to be there, He encourages me. and then I think--duh--You are always with me! You are within me! You hold everything together in the Universe. You know my thoughts. You watch over my ways. Hallelujah!
Thursday we are having a meeting to show Todd's amazing photos and tell his story. I will be there cheering, clapping, and crying. It was a great trip to see friends. They are wonderful. They have such joy and don't need all these trappings that I seem to need now. They remind me about how you have joy in pain and suffering. How you rejoice in Loss. How Jesus is everything you need.
and they remind me regular stuff, too. Like the pastor who got mad thinking that I had promised him a new church building (nope. never thought such a thing nor mentioned it) and so he was mad and thought the head pastor was stealing from him and he left the church.
well, the devil tore that brother down and I pray God build him back up and send him back. Let us embrace him. How often have we felt someone got something we wanted. it hurts.
but don't be an accuser of the brethren.
He was wrong.
No one mistreated him.
Oh I wanted to add a YOUTUBE video from my channel: stephanietexasrivers
I was on there sending the link to Medine the other day and Cheryl today (HI GUYS IF YOU MADE IT HERE!) and i wanted to post it again on here.
It is Pastor Bernard when he was just an associate pastor leading the youth singing this song,
Whom am I to say No?
and I love it!
It is sort of dischordant but they sang it that way on purpose. it was intended. and it captures my attention.
still, my fave is my girls dancing! woo hoo! and Josephs church is the most celebratory and I love them! (i love all the churches!)
I am studying for physiology and pharmacology right now and I can barely keep myself into it. and the exams are monday and tuesday. and I want to apply to nursing school in may.....so off i go. Lord Jesus, put that stuff in my brain. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for bringing it to my remembrance that I may do Your Will, in Jesus' name.
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