Friday, September 10, 2010


Today has been the most gruelling of all days. We spent the whole day with custom officials, first waiting on queue to be served and then going through the rigorous inspection and verification.
We were shown our container and asked to verify that the seal was intact. We did so and then the seal was broken and the inspection and verification process began.
Though there were issues such as undeclared items in the container, we thank God because we were NOT surcharged nor did we incur any penalties after the several hours of inspection. We were pardoned and asked to be more careful next time.
Our agent then sealed the container with another seal and since we finished the exercise quite late in the night, we have to wait until Monday before obtaining the clearance documents from the head of department who had left earlier leaving us with the inspection officers.
Thank you for your prayers. This was the most difficult part of this exercise and I thank God for pulling us through. Our next challenge will be on Monday when we calculate the CFS yard storage charges, organize transportation and get the container to Kakamega.
I have attached a few photos of the container. Photographing within custom warehousing is strictly prohibited so we were allowed very few specific shots.

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