(Walter, Trinity Global Development Kenya Director, and Stephanie)
I've been working on the orphan plan. We are hitting the point where we need to register with the government. Oh joy. It has been so much work but I am able. We can do it. My team can manage it. We will push through in Jesus.
Now we know that school for primary is 120 a year and uniforms are maybe 50 a year. (not sure about books or supplies.) High school is 250 a year. Definitely need 2 sponsors for each child! Most of mine are older.
I was reading somewhere in someone's blog, a Kenyan orphanage discussion, that they get children 5-10 because younger children need a specialist and older children don't settle well. That's so sad. Sometimes I do get tired of the sadness of reality. Other times, I just keep going.There's a lot of goodness to the reality of the life after this one....and I want to bring Kingdom joy to this life. Hooray! Seriously. Hooray! Because God is good and trials make me strong. Without Jesus, trials only made me self-destruct and hurt others more and more spiraling out pain to all. Now I can hold it together and worship--right in the midst of difficulty. I think that is something to "hooray!" about. I didn't get this silly cheerfulness from nowhere! I was NOT silly cheerful before I was a Christian. I wasn't cheerful at all. I was nervous of getting hurt by mean people (who seemed to be everywhere.) and I wanted to escape this life rather than deal with it. Jesus gives you inner strength to press in.
Oh, he he, we were talking orphans?
I was just busy rebuking sadness.
I would like prayer if you are reading this. Prayer for all the administration. It is not my gifting, but it is my joy to be an Heir of God. I am a Son of God and an heir to all things.
He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not, also with Him, freely give us all things?
So I see that God will provide because He is a loving Father and Creator of the Universe. I am following in His plans and His purpose without thought for what my role or purpose is in any of this because I pray His Kingdom come and Hiw will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I think I am about His business. Sometimes I tell my children to go to the store and I give them a list. They don't ask me, why do you need this or that? They just clarify what it is I am sending them for. It is up to me to put all things together.
And so Jesus is giving me this list and He's given you a list. You are to be about that.
I need my Kenyan Team to really step up once again. With the orphanage, there will be more to manage. They need prayers for time management. We need communication mercies so we can work during the window of opportunity each day. We need Grace. Good thing God has that in abundance. With that Grace, I will go set to work on the orphan plans.
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