Monday, August 16, 2010


Titus just sent me a text. Even though Anita, Medine and my mom all stayed at their house, I was the only one to battle roaches. They didn't know why they were coming out except because of the rain. There were seven in the house with several in my room during the 30 days I stayed there--7 roaches in total.
and I am--or I was ---deathly afraid of roaches. I have since conquered my fears somewhat, unwilling to let the devil get the better of me. Roaches do not even bite! In the end, I fell asleep with a live one in my room because I wasn't willing to spray the killing stuff that makes Titus sneeze like crazy. He had Typhoid and I didn't want to bother him.

So today, a plumber has come from out of town to stay with them. He is working on our TGD building. Titus wrote: "he is occupying your room and we laughed so hard because a cockroach just rolled on his chest!!"

oh joy.

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