Thursday, September 19, 2013

Roofs and floors. Cheaper than in America!

Below is the approximate breakdown cost for cementing a floor for one house: These are average estimates. Individual costs may vary regarding the size of the house and the distance covered during transportation of construction material. To some, it may even cost around a half of this total cost and to some it may even be slightly more than this.
12 packets of cement @$11 = $132


I lorry of sand @$38 = $38


1 lorry of gravel @$63 = $63


Labor = $40



Transportation varies for example: transporting cement from Kakamega Town to Grace and Everline’s home is around $13 and transporting the same to Abednego’s home is around $25.

Exact figures can only be obtained by surveying specific houses and getting individual costs.
Only Evangeline’s house has thatched roof and it will be better if they can have iron roof.

Zainabu Otari’s house is in very poor condition, almost falling; it can easily be blown away by strong wind.
Some of the children have leaking roofs such as Gladys, Lydia not sure of other houses with the same problem. They may just need repair.

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