Monday, November 15, 2010

here today gone tomorrow

I am ready to come home. hard to believe. but Steve is home and i am not. we've had quite a month. and then there is much happening here and I think I'd like to have a peaceful rest. We did have a nice vacation day in the kakamega forest today where we saw some monkeys in the trees. we went with pastor joseph, pastor stanley and pastor steve. I learned new luhya words. khutsie--come on-let's go like twende. and I already learned jeribu in swahili means trying. shoot. i learned other words that I've forgotten already. but it was a good day and the trees and plants were beautiful. Mickey sends the message that they are doing well and having a wonderful time. tomorrow we will give the medical equipment to dr. kennedy for Iguhu hospital and his home clinic. we will try to meet the community health extension worker and we will give information to pass to his lay workers in the community homes. we will give some nutritional supplements to sharon, an orphan with aids, to praxcidia's husband at ebulechia, to titus' mom, and to Dr. Iub at Emusanda for infants.

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