Friends, thank u for emails n calls! I love u!! I am going to try and update u through my blog so I dont bore too many.
It was quite an ordeal to get here. Puppies did great and pooped each day outside during pitstops. They were happy and spastic in hotels-- but I drugged them and they slept well. Training pays off!! Obedient children are a reward. They are not too thrilled living downtown in the loop, especially when a train goes by overhead! They are snoozing on my bed here with me now. Sarah thinks downtown looks old and rusty but she likes the area where we purchased a home. I have to get a P.O. Box set up so we get bills and TGD donations. You are all so faithful. I see Gods Grace in you. I give Him GLORY and cheer Him for His lovingkindness to the poor and in moving our hearts to care-- and making us ENJOY giving! We have His nature within.
I think living downtown is crazy. I have often traveled and enjoyed downtown hotels-- but these people live here. It is sensory overload right now but God will adjust me. And i can go to the aquarium and marvel at His creations or the planetarium to hear His glory proclaimed by the stars.
Steve had his first day at Navteq. I cant wait to hear! I know he will come home excited and brimming with fresh ideas and plans and dreams. He will fulfill Gods purposes like Moses or Joseph. Everything new and different. And he might collapse from exhaustion if God does not refresh him. We have worked and worked to prepare the house for sale, travel, and set up.
Doug came over and walked me n sarah to grocery store then pizza delivered and played a game together. Good family time.
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