Friday, April 28, 2006

New meds

Got my youngest on some new ADHD meds. She didn't like the other one, didn't feel like it worked at all. This one is Concerta. I don't know much about these medicines. We're going to try Strattera in the summer if this one doesn't work. She is not too good about remembering to take medicine, so I don't know how we can ever get her stabilized. I think I had some of her issues when I was in high school, too. You can grow out of it. I don't know if I have grown out of it, but I know that I have found ways to make up for how easily I get overwhelmed and I know how to increase my abilities to focus.

That does NOT always work, though. Basically, I spend more time than the average person would consider spending! That is how I get so much work done. What takes Sv about 3 hours will take me about 7 to 10. I don't always work during those hours, but I go back and forth working, stopping, fits and starts.....and eventually something emerges.

I like that word, emerges. I let S use it in her essay last night. Her English teacher will only allow 10 mistakes on an essay. Once she gets to 10, she stops reviewing and gives a grade of 50. Her rules are pretty stiff, though. You cannot start a sentence with THE and you cannot use these words at all: Is, am, are, was, be, being, and were. That is harder than you might imagine. I struggled with her on a couple she could not get out. So her essay was very good. She had some convoluted sentences from doing the avoidance dance with those words, so I helped her straighten them out. The amazing thing was that she stayed engaged (another current fav word of mine) the whole time. She was truly trying to work on that paper. She rewrote it twice to my corrections, stayed attentive during our reviews through the essay and continually contributed new ideas and made applicable comments. That was great. You'd think she was already ON some medicine! But she wasn't.

She really is getting so much easier to deal with (I say that now, wait for future blogs) that I wonder if she isn't growing out of some of the moodiness. She is not allowed to go anywhere and she is accepting that and not brooding! Thank you Jesus.

I googled myself again by only my first and last name, no maiden or middle initial---and the first result WAS THAT PICTURE AGAIN!!!
Man, I don't know why that is on there suddenly as the main result. I am hoping other people don't google me (it IS doubtful! I happen to be quite obscure....) and I know I have not googled many people I know---only ones I do not really know--like professors. But I did google my family for the heck of it. The picture I posted on here is not nearly as bad or detailed as the big giant one that comes up when I click on the result. Oh well. Vanity Vanity, let it be gone. My mental assets are sharpening as the old flesh goes into major decline.

HOWEVER.....I found the Dance Zone, which is exercise to hip hop and ballet moves at UT. They are NOT UT, but they are in one of the dorms. I emailed about classes and she said they are at their lowest season due to move-outs and exams. SO....I'm heading to that part of the city to check it out and see if I can humiliate myself, provide some laughs for the young people, and maybe manage to lose 10 pounds over the summer. Dad recommends Weight watchers and friend up North has started on that plan too. We'll see if it works well for her. I hate to go to meetings and think that much about what I'm eating. If it were something I could control more, I wouldn't be where I am at in the first place. But it is getting hard to BREATHE. That means I need to LOSE SOME WEIGHT! I feel like someone took my thumb, blew into it, and I expanded beyond acceptable proportions. Now I've got to work to let out all that air. Oh how I WISH it were air.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Going Places


Tried to put some family archived photos on here. Wasn't gonna happen. The blog site won't take it.
Had fun with the girls yesterday. Took them to Vespasio on SoCo and Emerald's on Lamar--Book People and Whole Foods.

Looking at MBTI certifying conferences. Most of them are four day and around 1000 dollars. Then a flight is going to be 200-450, with hotel accomodations for five nights around 500. Food is another couple of hundred all totalled. Then taxi fare.....
....when I first enrolled in school, my hope was to get MBTI certified. It was all I knew I wanted to do then. When I took my first class in Psych, I knew I wanted to go to graduate school, like the grad student who was my teacher (He's at Texas State now--a prof, I've contacted him, His wife is studying to be a midwife and I've offered her my midwifery texts). At that time, even a Masters degree seemed so remote--like such a unrealistic dream. When I calculated how old I would be if I took my classes two per semester---I ended up around 40 years old---that seemed like it would take forever! And here I am. (and it sort was like forever--but not--how's that for philosophy).
Then I was not sure if I should keep going to school, but I wanted to be a midwife. Actually, I couldn't figure out how I was going to deal with many aspects of midwifery, not to mention the danger of lawsuit.....I enjoyed the conference, though, with a bunch of sensitive women concerned about feminine issues.
When I went to Disney in 2001, it reawakened my passion for China to an extreme level. I have always thought I would go there in my elder years, after Steve passed, as my consolation....because he was not interested in missionary work or overseas living (Unless we're talking England). However, I decided to work towards that goal in the present and look for opportunities independent of Steve, like short term work.
For whatever reason, my pastors decided it was not God's time for me and would not give me the recommendation that I needed to go with English Language Institute. So I decided I would find ways that do not require pastoral approval. Although I did not attempt to push for that certain trip--I realized that I was in the same position as Gladys Alworth (allworth?) who was refused by the missionary societies. She saved up her salary as a maid and made a dangerous trek by train through Russia! They ended up making a movie about her after she escorted hundreds of orphans to safety during the world war.
So I tried enrolling in UT's Asian program. I still had an eye on MBTI because all I needed to qualify to administer the test, was a degree. I was told I'd be a shoo-in for the liberal arts program because of my 4.0---something not too many liberal arts majors have ( I thought that was odd)--but I didn't send them my transcript. In an error of ignorance, I thought it got sent electronically.
I was so distressed, but unwilling to wait another semester. I enrolled in St. Edwards, which turned out to be a delightful experience. Expensive, for sure! But small classes and professors dedicated to teaching made everything wonderful. I only had one bad teacher in my entire undergraduate experience. (that's not what most other people say, so I am so thankful for the caliber of professors I worked with).
I was in the Organizational Communication program, which seemed like a really soft program to me. The work was hard enough, but it was so fuzzy as to what you were training for---it could be anything. I know one girl that got a 15,000 raise after she graduated, though. That's a good raise.
Along the way, however, I discovered the McNair Program. A little note on one of the newsletters (I scan through them for interest) and I was hooked. I called them up for information. They helped minorities get prepared for graduate school. Providence smiled on me when I contacted the reservation for the 5th time AND ACTUALLY GOT A PERSON FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. I felt it was a good sign. I had worked in vain to contact them before a family reunion in Montana, but they were never available and never called me back. As if they did not exist. And I had tried one other time, repeatedly getting no answers or call backs.
In no time, I was a documented Blackfoot. I was reading how UT was increasing the minorities in the graduate school--and that is what pushed me forward with hope.

I changed majors, to my favorite---and encountered a wierd group! The people in Org Comm are more of the extraverted business type. They are not quite as intense as the full business majors, who are very ambitious. Rather, these are right brained friendly people who want to get along and are conscientious. When I changed to Psych, suddenly it is a bunch of recovering addicts or alcoholics or people with difficult childhoods who want to help others overcome what they've overcome. It was just a larger portion of dysfunction than I've seen. That was a little discouraging, but I love psych and so I embraced those people as my peers. It was odd to hear so much inappropriate disclosure at random intervals. I wanted to do a workshop on "When to air your dirty laundry". Not that I don't have compassion. I'm high on Neuroticism myself ---which means CRABBY and anxious. I am one anxious girl!
(Not as bad as brad pitt in 12 monkeys)

But now here I am accepted to graduate school in a doctoral program! And I'll be getting qualified to teach psychology---when I was 17, 18, 19....I knew I wanted to do something where we discussed psychological ideas all the time. I didn't know what that might be. I knew you could be a counselor, but that was not exactly what I wanted---I wanted theoretical discussions--I just didn't know to call it that....I wanted grad school! I wanted to be a professor! I just didn't know graduate school existed yet. (and would not have been able to set such a lofty goal at such an early age. It would have seemed crazy.)

After doing the workshops with my speech prof, I want to do more of that. He is gearing up to do some serious work for Mr's company. I want to be a part of that. I want to go get the certification. If I do that, when I get up north, they may draw back. It is anti-psych to do the MBTI. They feel like it does not measure for bad traits (like N or psychosis) but that is not what it is for. And then to hear it is not validated---that's not true. I can find studies on psych info that show it is valid (and why). So there is just a field prejudice about it. I think psych just wants to monopolize the field. And they don't like business people who take a little conference being able to administer psych tests. It's rubbish to me. I like the MBTI.
I am an ENFP. I like BUNCHES of stuff and I love exploring and learning and discovering. Envisioning, creating, fun fun fun.

So I may go to one of those conferences. As an ENFP, I always have too much on my plate and love to start new things. Graduating does prove (and still being married!) that I am good for the long haul. That I have the determination and dedication to go the long road to accomplishment. So I am going to get my PhD. Then, if I cannot teach, I'll go work in business doing MyersBriggs. I'll be very authoritive with my degree from an excellent university. It will be great. I could have done the work without a BA, but society just doesn't want to listen to any yahoo (well, some people will, but they watch sally jessie and such, I have to remind myself to respect those people as having dignity by virtue of their creation by God).
and if I get to teach, all the better. I'm looking so forward to all the fun things! Now, if I can just finish this blasted paper. SO CLOSE SO CLOSE!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dad picked this one

I say this is a bad hair day, but Dad picked it.....

Much Better old photo

Now I like this photo. The highlights are back in and the photo is turned, so my crookedy eyes seem aligned. My nose is less prominent.

I still like my long hair much better, but I am glad I went for a short hair season just so I could be sure. I dread the days when the hair has to go. I know that some older women do not look good in long hair, but I am only 40, so I think I can wear it for a while yet.

Now I wish THIS was the photo a google search would offer.
I think I am about 10+ pounds more than when this was taken. My blood pressure meds just slow my metabolism. I've gotten off those, finally, and my blood pressure is still normal---so far so good. If I could loose weight before I need to go back on them, that would be optimal.

On another note---less self obsession----Mr has landed in Dublin. He was supposed to get there in time for Tuesday morning meetings, but the flight from Chicago had mechanical problems and was delayed. He was stuck in our airport waiting for that flight to arrive so they could get to Chicago on it. Then they missed their Dublin flight and had to go to Gatwick? ---one of the London ones, I can't remember which one now---but then on to Dublin. So he left our house about 1 pm yesterday and he just arrived in Dublin (it is around noon). So it took him nearly 24 hours to make an 11 or 12 hour flight. YUK!!! I wish I had gone with him, though. I like Dublin. I like the downtown shopping and I wanted to go to Trinity there, among other things. They have a really pleasant park downtown and I did not have enough time to explore.

I'll be going to Brazil, but I don't know exactly where, so I cannot begin looking it up. I hate that.

I'll be going to Houston weekend after next to go to S's vball. AND I get to go to Bodyworld!! Hooray! My mom doesn't want to go. She said, why do I want to look at a bunch of bodies? I saw that in anatomy! Well, it is not just bodies......They are very INTERESTING bodies. You can see inside! I guess she's seen enough insides. I think it will be good. I've not gone to medical school. I didn't get to SEE real organs. Cool.
And I hope we make it to the Galleria, but that is not important. Now that I've shopped in China, it is terrible seeing the price of a nice purse here.
I've GOT to get to China for a purse run! This time I know some pointers.......
Check all zippers, clasps, etc. Make sure all parts are THERE.
Only buy the ones that I LIKE! Because if I give them away, I am only left with ones I thought someone else would like---but they didn't. If I only buy what I really like, then EVERYONE will love them!! I've given away all the good ones and just have a couple of so-so ones left. I only want to give nice ones as gifts.---and that is what I did.

Working on my LAST PAPER! I ran my stats, after major headaches with the stats software! and then had trouble printing it, but K came to the rescue, as usual.
I am SO EXCITED to be finished! I cannot believe it! All I have to do is write this ONE BIG RESEARCH PAPER! I think my stats did not come out significant, so I don't really have anything to report, which for once, I am glad, because this particular professor will not require the detailed analysis that my other one did. I STILL have to re-do that paper for her (which we agreed to postpone until I graduated since Brandon died and that complicated my brain workings).

I go to take S to get a mole removed on her back today. That is not going to be too fun.

I planned to go to Best buy today and get a stereo, but I didn't make it there yet. Kevin is expecting me. I'll need a stereo up north and I want one now. My old one here that we have piped through the whole house---well, it keeps skipping all my CDs. I don't know where you take things to repair these days. Don't they still do electronics repair somewhere? Seems these days they want you to buy new ones. sad.

OH! i better work..


I googled my name today. I was shocked and HORRIFIED to see this photo come up. I mean, COME ON! Is this an accurate representation of me? NO!
and my skin color is so pasty, my tote is obviously too heavy, I am leaning over like a gorilla! (Stand Up, Girl!) and my nose looks twice the size of normal. I do look a little thinner than usual, but the skin on my face is so yucky that it destroys and slenderizing potential.
WELL. I oppose tanning in general, but I may need to get a little bit of sunshine. I don't usually wear that red underneath. I think as I am older, red is not as good on me as it always was when I was young.
and this is such an old picture (like spring 2004?) because my hair is still short and brown (I WAS going for a more intellectual look, but people weren't as attentive to me--forget that!)

SO---what was this doing on the web? I mean, I was the second, third, and fourth search result. Hope no one in the world googled me at that precise moment.
I think about when I get more published and go to more conferences to present. My name will come up more and more frequently. I cannot believe this picture is going to come up as well. I have some good photos from the university magazine that are WAY better. They need to keep THOSE on the web!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Blaise Pascal has said...

The sole cause of man's unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room.
Pensées (1670)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Lone Star Tournament

So we drove up to Dallas last night and got there about 11:30, dropped off S at her hotel, The Hyatt Regency with the big ball restaurant that beautifies the Dallas Downtown Skyline (or some would say). We drove around trying multiple hotels far from there, hoping to find vacancy. Finally found one, tried to find food, to no avail. Got up this morning early to get ready for the tournament knowing she was already going to be there with her team. We get a call. She left her uniform shirt at home on accident. She cannot play. Major bummer. So we picked her up and drove all the way home because she is going to prom tonight. L will take her back to Dallas for Sunday and Monday tournament play.

I bought alcohol test strips which measure if you've been drinking (so you can decide if you should drive or not). It just gives the girls added incentive to say, "Sorry friends, my mother is waiting at home with a test strip."

I am pretty tired after a late night, an early morning and a wasted drive home again. Traffic all backed up on the main road through town due to construction. We took side roads back home but still hit rough areas whenever we were near the interstate. I feel all wrung out. I still have to write papers for my last classes. I just draw these things out and make them unbearable. I wish I had better coping skills!

Mr. is taking L to the motorcycle shop just to entertain.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Training scroll down for photo

Yesterday was an interesting day. I worked at 9 to 5, which is so rare for me that I was exhausted. It was not the work that was hard, I loved it! It was the context fraught with psychological airwave overload.
I had my antennae up trying to catch the signals from everyone. My husband brought my former Speech Communication professor (who wrote my recommendations for the doctoral program) in as a Trainer and I was able to assist him in practical ways AND be a fly on the wall. It was interesting, very.
We got there early and set up. I was able to see some of his long time coworkers, but most of these folks were new to him. It was an older crowd than he formerly managed and he was placed strategically in order to show his broad applicability across groups and sectors. The challenge is to see if the company can get off some systems that are run by their rivals. The team that has to work on that, though, is uniquely qualified in the system of the competitor and I find it hard to believe they can be successful in a project that calls for their demise. Nevertheless, that is the requirement and it is of utmost priority to the leaders of the company.
The team does know that, but there are multiple groups across the company that work on part of this large scope project, and I guessed from some of the comments, that they see themselves as only part of the larger whole, not integral to the success. This perception must be changed. They need a vision of their victory and what it can mean to the company.

I had a good time and so did my prof. He was really jazzed. As this workshop was very successful, we are going to continue to find inroads into Dell as well as work for my husband on cross-cultural communication and conflict negotiation throughout various teams that are interconnected.

Yesterday was a combination of my man's group and another guys. My man has the developers who "sling code", as they say. The other group is the project managers, or process people, who make sure everyone is on task where they need to be and require documentation of everything.
They do not see each other as being in the same boat. That was an analogy that the other manager brought to the group. Both groups need to understand there are not two boats and one will sink if it fails but the other will not. Rather, if one goes down they ALL go down because the two managers report to one director and the success of both of them falls on him.

It was all very productive and some problems were placed on the table. Communication is just beginning but the off-site will give them some mutual dialogue with each other that may increase information sharing and understanding. I was pleased to be a part of it and hope we can take it to Brazil, as has been discussed.


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Boxes. Easter

I went to Hobby Lobby and found a sale, half off of boxes. I can't import a picture because that function is not working---but at Crate and Barrel there is a brown faux leather box with a hinged lid that is 69.95, but I got one at Hobby Lobby that is black faux leather with a detached lid for $15!!! So I bought a few other ones without lids, but I did not get the small CD sized ones. I decided they would be useful after all, and they will only cost about $3, so I am headed back.
Plus, I want to get some easter stuff for the girls. Nothing big, they are beyond the huge surprise age. Sarah hasn't picked anything new to wear, but Laura has gotten some shoes and she's wearing Sarah's dress from last year. (hooray!).
I don't know what I am wearing either, but it is of minimal importance to me. Laura is looking forward to Easter to celebrate the resurrection and for that, I am thankful.
I was reading the Message Bible in Isaiah last night, it is powerful. With the current lingo usage of the Message Bible, familiar passages take on new meaning and I see them in a fresh way. I think I'll use the Message Bible for a while. I've read the whole New Testament in that version, but not the Old. So I'll go through both of them before I head north because I do not get much time to study the scriptures when I'm studying school texts and writing papers. (which I should be doing now!)
Off to eat left over spaghetti.....

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Okay, kind of a wasted day. Migraine started yesterday and got serious around 6pm. Bothered me all night long and still rough all day today. It's 5pm, so I've made it through 24 hours. They don't usually last more than 3 days.

I was going to have my friend bring her 7 children over to go swimming. The pool ended up having leaves and junk from the wind. We get our pool cleaned on a Thursday, but S has this Friday off, so I am planning to try again NEXT Friday.

The only thing I can manage is some computer time. I can't read, can't watch TV (don't want to anyway), can't exercise or run errands. Managed to do a load of laundry, but chores seem to difficult as well. What a waste of life! I always have papers that need writing.....but maybe later.

Have enjoyed using a design link on and placing objects in rooms approximately the size of our future apartment. I have done a lot of shopping on the web. I like some things at

I find it interesting that I am really drawn to furniture that is similar to my childhood pieces. I hope to get a silk painting and an oriental chest. I want to get a wood screen, the shashi at world market.
I was going to get a very cheap table from Target, but I've found one at Star Furniture that is so pretty! Steve likes it too. It will take up a bunch of space, I can move my office to my bedroom.
It is hard to try to decide how to use such a little space. The main goal is schoolwork, so although I really like a round coffee table and although I have a chest that can double as a coffee table, I may try to find a rectangular coffee table with straight legs--one that will enable me to sit on the floor and do schoolwork on it with my legs underneath. I like to study that way sometimes. Also, I like to sit in my biege chairs and do work. I like to work at a big table with stuff stretched out everywhere. I'm trying to accomodate those study habits.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Thursday Evening

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
Friedrich Nietzsche
(from Brainyquotes about LIFE)

It's 11:30 and my hubby still works on my website. I cannot make it go faster.

I am so happy to be going to school where I was accepted. It is fantastic in my mind.

I told Laura she can take her friends up there next summer and enjoy the place while I am at home here. I have to be where the sunny Texas sun shines. The trees are so green. It was 94 degrees today. The sky is so blue. The sun shines so bright. I really enjoy it.

My pool looks beautiful outside with the trees budding and the grass growing long. I am inviting some friends over next week to swim...letting them bring their little children to enjoy the clear blue water. I'll sit in the shade and listen to the birds sing. Oh they are singing so loudly lately! Had I just not noticed? It seems that when I went North, I noticed how barren everything is there because all has gone dormant but the evergreens. Yet here it all blossoms and sings.

Then the storm came tonight and the lightning flashed across the sky and the rain came down in those huge Texas drops. It looked like the monsoon in Cochin (Kerala, India), but it is just a Texas downpour. I could barely see to drive and had to go very slow even on my familiar neighborhood wide road. It all runs off so quickly, though. Tomorrow there will be new bluebonnets everywhere and another round of wildflowers popping up. It is so nice to enjoy them on a boring drive through the city during rush hour---there are little pockets of beauty and joy springing up everywhere. I have really enjoyed that about Texas. And the mowers leave it alone until the grass grows up so high it threatens a brushfire ---and then they mow. But they wait until the last minute because we all enjoy the flowers so much, it is a pleasure to behold.

So I know I will fly home far more than I anticipated. I do not care that I get motion sick and take dramamine. I will do it. It is only a three hour direct flight. I can do it.

I can watch for American Airlines to advertise specials and get a ticket for 199. Quite worth the price of coming home.

Today we got the first camera in from Best Buy so we can set up a direct link and visit over the web. We're getting two at this house, two at that house, and one at Laura's apartment. That will be so nice. It will give me a great deal of comfort. Ha! I can even lecture my younguns. (they won't like that, though).

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Survey not ready

It is really tough getting my survey ready. We've worked for such a long time, and there is always a bug in the program. Hopefully, we'll get that worked out tonight. It is taking quite a bit of Mister's time.

He was exhausted last night--we've gotten up early and gone to bed late several times makes daily life a little harder.

I had him take S to school for me today so I could get another hour of sleep. Ahhhhh....better. So tomorrow, I'll try to get him to sleep in. And we will go to bed early, too, because I have a poster presentation at the student research conference of my whole university. It's a well run day and very busy. I enjoy it. I'll just be doing a poster, so that will be easy. Just stand there by it while people walk by and ask questions. Today I will make a handout.

Monday, April 03, 2006


And so I find myself wistfully wishing I could be in a quiet tiny new place where everything was clean and quiet.
I'm calling it our North Home.
I keep thinking of how to decorate, but I know I want it to be pleasing to Mr. At first, I was thinking I'd go with my whimsy, but on second thought, I think I want it to feel like home to him. I will keep his tastes in mind. So it won't be wild or alternative (yeah right, like I would even think of such decorations!), but it will be same old same old. Since I am taking a bunch of my own furniture, of COURSE it will be same old! But I happen to like the furniture in this house here.

But I have so many little things to take. I have a little saki set from Japan epcot/disneyworld, a little wooden elephant from India with a carved elephant within it, Cinderella mugs, a stuffed panda from China, a hanging red thing from China, the lecture brain he gave me for Christmas (love that!), the creme colored marble box that says, "DA MI BASIZ MILLE" (Give me a thousand kisses latin), my rosy blown glass decanter with water glasses to match, my depression era candy bowl (my cat kicked the lid off the bath ledge and broke it). Most of the stuff from London is Mister's. I don't have anything from Ireland! Mr is going to Brazil.

I have to call Laura today. She is doing really good, we think. She is upbeat sometimes now. She doesn't seem so morose and she is doing things with friends in a better sort of way. She is driving all around Texas, though, which costs a fortune, but big Daddy gave her a certain amount in her account and she will have to manage it. I'm sure she'll run out of money and beginning moaning for more and he'll cave. But I am glad he is so generous.

I got my Poster presentation done thanks to my son!!! And I got my website deployed thanks to my husband! HOORAY! And tomorrow I go to a friends house and videotape and observe four of her children commented on ambiguous pictures to tell what they are doing and also some math problems which I will create today. I am actually going to graduate soon. Only this one month of April and I am DONE!
I consolidated my federal stafford loans today. I've got to do the FAFSA. I can get loans without a co-signer for graduate school. Imagine that! But I don't think I will need any. Since they will be paying me and I have no tuition costs, we are certain that we can pay my living expenses from my stipend plus some from Mr. It should be fine.

Laura will be setting up house, but she will have a furnished apartment. There are still so many things she'll need! I am amazed as I keep thinking of things......blowdryer, vacuum, toaster, iron, mixer, and more. Flatware and plates! Cups and pots and pans. Yikes.
However, I remember when I first got married and we had practically NOTHING for a long time. So I know you do not need much at all. Way less than you think. But I don't really want to go back to that, either.

God will make a way. I am full of faith and hope for this new adventure. It will be so hard, but it will be full of good learning and new experiences. I am excited.
The good thing is that all the children will be home this summer. We can do family stuff together even though they are so big! We did so many things as a family after Brandon died....we were just staying together all the time. It was nice. So I look forward to summer. It is nice when we are all around at the table. Laura usually keeps up an interesting banter and entertains us all. She is a big talker. When she isn't there, it falls on me! But Kevin often talks too. He can really get going.

Turns out Mr's sister from Mississippi had his mom call Mr to ask for Laura's cell phone number. Laura called to see if she could visit N, but she got no return call. She was asking to come on April 1 and 2. Interesting that she gets a return call AFTER april 1 and 2, but still, it is a good thing. Because Mr's mom said that Laura and S could come visit MAYBE.
We'll see.
They'd be good role models for N. They are good girls and settled and not into alcohol and drugs. Of course, S is pretty down there on the grades, but she is a good child with a good head on her shoulders. My grades were low when I was young and I have succeeded--she will too. She is smart.

I'll try to wake Laura.