Thursday, January 11, 2007

watching tv again

Watching "all the kings men" about Huey Long in Louisiana. Lived in Louisiana once...didn't like it. Corruption. Trying to do good by doing it badly.

I downloaded my readings for one of the courses. I got a book in the mail for another course, but it is the book that I don't need this week. I hope the OTHER book comes tomorrow! There were several packages in the mailbox area on the first floor today. Several boxes. Other students like me in the building. Supposedly there are several MBA students in the complex.

I'm going down to the southern portion of the state where my friend A.N. lives. I get to see her Grandbaby! Yes, my friends having grandbabies, imagine that. I won't be going until Mr gets into town in Texas. He arrives at 8:30 on Friday morning. K and M will go pick him up and take him to breakfast. Wish I were going. But I'll be going to see A.N. and I'll go to church with them on Sunday where E.N. pastors.

Somehow I'll read all my stuff in the meantime and come back here on Sunday or Monday. Can't decide. Depends on how much I can get done while I'm there. If they are able to put me somewhere that I am able to read and concentrate, I might stay longer. It will be nice not to be alone. It is so hard not being at home with S, she is stressing out. It makes me stressed out just worrying about it. But Mr will be there, that gives me a measure of peace. He's been gone from home for 2 weeks and it is just too much for S. She's used to us being there and maybe she's not ready to be independent. I don't believe children NEED to be independent until they are about 25. If they CHOOSE to be independent before that, so be it. But we've still been there to cover for K. We want to see them get a degree. Now that he's got that job, it is nearly as good. If he can do a good job over the next year, the experience will get his foot in the door for many years. Oh how Mr and I wished for the foot in the door when we were young! and we had no connections.

But the world is different for our children.

Steve told me about Mississippi Burning. I read that book when I moved to Texas and took a History course. YEP, I had to move to TEXAS to learn Mississippi history. When I took MS. History in the 10th grade---NO ONE mentioned ANYTHING about the civil rights movement. Neither did I learn about it in American History even though we went from Native Americans to the President at that time! (it was 1981).
In fact, I took Civics in Louisiana in 1979 (?) in the 9th grade from an African American Teacher ---but I don't remember learning anything about it then either! (but in that course, it may have been that I wasn't paying attention, so no valid argument about it).

okay, it is almost 1am. and I am awake. Haven't even gotten ready for bed. But I am not sleeping too well, so it is hard to just head there. but I'll do it anyway. I am able to fall asleep good enough, but it is a crazy sort of sleep with such frequent wakefulness, doesn't seem right. I'll read some of my Field Method text reading and that should be good and enjoyable.

Good night. I pray we all sleep well in the Love and Grace of God.

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