Saturday, June 10, 2006

paper due today

It's about 3pm and my paper is due around 5pm or 6pm. I am not sure which one, and it is not important since this is a paper that has already been graded, the final class grade has been awarded and I have graduated college entirely! Yet, for a learning experience, I agreed to rewrite a paper that was not concise enough. I've had two professors who excoriate..........ok, maybe not the right word since that means:

1. To tear or wear off the skin of; abrade. See Synonyms at chafe.
2. To censure strongly; denounce: an editorial that excoriated the administration for its inaction.

According to, I checked.
So something more like.....they both pour over your writing and make extensive comments---wait, I had another professor like that, my government professor who is now a dean---and anything that remotely means something else, is vague, or leads in the wrong direction is noted. Any gap in logic is know, they like a really well written paper.
and I do learn so much from them,
but when I read graduate psychology magazine or the graduate newsletter and I see some of those writers, I BLOG has better english, is more concise, makes more sense, and is more interesting than a few of them. How do they get published?

But it is true. I've read some other people's papers before, because I ask for them. And sometimes you can see what a prof means. It is SO NICE to read a good paper where the logic flows unbroken from one end to the other. It is awkward when you come up short on a sentence, WHAT?

Oh, but I will go on and on just to avoid my paper. Breaks are good, but they cannot be too long.
I am nearly done and expect success. (besides, it is already an A!)

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