Well, hopefully, I won't run into this!
I freaked out last night when I went to check taxi fare to the airport. It was $44! So I had told my friend B not to worry about taking me since she had a business appt, but I decline her hubby's services. I figured I'd call some folks, but I waited too long (not good about calls!) and then figured I'd use the taxi. Then sent out a help! Then sent out a "nevermind" since I decided to drive myself and park at the airport. But then she had already responded to the help email---but I did not check email before sending out the nevermind. Can you get all of that? Yeah, confusing. Stupid me! And I nag Steve about not thinking ahead???? HA!
My niece in Jackson, MS is better and has gone home.
Laura is putting her deposit down on an apt for the fall, then she goes with Mr. to the vball tournament of her sister--who has gotten her ADHD meds and is very excited to begin taking them today. More on that later. I wish I had not delayed so long.
Some friends are very concerned that I am heading to the university. Sad and concerned about my family..... So is my brother and a very close friend in Tennessee. I realize it is not common for the wife to go off for her ambitions---so I see why people question the wisdom. But yes, we've prayed through it all and examined the costs--relational and financial---to our family. And we are moving forward confidently that this is a priviledge, a blessing and a temporary work situation that will be hard work but bring rewards in the long run.
Mr had some very very good feedback concerning his position with the company and we are certain that we are maintaining that employment. I've mentioned this to some of you in emails, but I haven't emailed as much since I can write on here--yet I know most of you won't check it regularly---but that keeps me from bugging you with my lengthy words. I must say, I am a big talker (maybe? ha ha).
I had hoped to philosophize on here, but it seems hard to do. First, I have to catch myself when I am actually thinking deep---second, I had no idea it was so infrequent! Third, I usually want to converse verbally when the ideas strike. So I have those things against me expounding on this blog.
It seems much of my thoughts are fairly trivial concerning such things as, "Who is taking S to vball? What are we having for dinner? Does my car have gas in it? What time do I need to be there? Wish I could have a party." and such thoughts.
I have to get ready to fly. I do hate flying. It makes me sick. But I love travel, so what am I to do? I go. And I keep going. And I hope I never have to stop.
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